Climb the Coathanger (Sydney, Australia)

Climb the Coathanger (Sydney, Australia) 
Climb the Coathanger (Sydney, Australia)  - Harry Potter and James Bond have done it. thus have Prince Harry and tennis nice, Martina Navratilova. Even Cameron Diaz managed it along with her typical glamour and elegance. undecided what you're thinking, however i'm talking regarding climbing to the highest of the enduring Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Groups of around a dozen embark on this journey each 10 minutes. From afar, they appear like trails of ants eagerly beavering towards the sugary-sweet highlight of standing atop this metal meccano large (at 134 metres on top of the water) and savouring the luscious read along Sydney’s majestic natural harbour. On clear days, the vista extends well past the heads of the harbour and inland to the hazy Blue Mountains. On prime of the globe, you'll be able to gaze over the ferries of Circular Quay, the patrons of the glistening Sydney Opera House and therefore the gorgeous Sydney skyline. Below cars hasten across this thoroughfare whereas trains rattle across each couple of minutes, bringing a delicate shudder across the complete bridge.

Priced at an eye-watering A$180 (it solely prices a automobile $3 to drive across and it's unengaged to walk across at road level), it's an exhilarating expertise to steer up ladders and round the girders and supports of this important transport link, previously solely accessible to the bridge painters and workmen. the worth includes a gaggle photo and a certificate to remind you of the journey.

Initially security seems harsher than at airports, though it is performed with far greater humour and good will. No jewellery, loose clothing, cameras, coins or wallets are allowed and pockets must be empty. You clamber into a pair of less than flattering but comfortable grey and blue overalls and sign a disclosure saying if you fall off, then it is your own fault. Mind you, you quickly find out that it would be difficult to manage as you are permanently clipped onto the bridge. Caps, headphones (to hear the guide’s description and instructions) and sunglasses (and wet weather gear if needed) are fixed onto your overalls. The guides jauntily describe data about the bridge such as the bridge contains over six million rivets.

Stepping through a metal detector to ensure that you really don’t have any secreted metal objects and a breathalyser test is conducted to ensure that you are sufficiently sober to climb (you must meet the same standard as a driver of a car), a final briefing is offered before you embark on the climb.

The entire tour runs for around three hours and is a treasured way to experience this most elegant travel wonder and view the glistening blue waters of Sydney Harbour. After all Harry Potter and James Bond would only see Sydney in the best possible manner!
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