Drinks Around the World: Chimay Beer

Last month, Lifecruiser initiated an international cocktail party run at the start of each month where writers highlight a notable drink from their travels or experiences.

For Travel Wonders last month was Pisco Sour from Peru and Chile, while this month's comes from the hallowed walls of a Belgian monastery.

Chimay beer, served in a specially designed and appropriate chalice glass (top photo is Chimay Red) is one of the world's few Trappist beers. Brewed by Trappist monks (who conduct their lives in near silence) within their abbey walls, with all money raised going back to the monastery or selected charities, their creamy beers are all strong on alcohol and very refreshing. My favourite of their three offerings is Chimay Blue, a dark, bitter beer (with a potent 9% alcohol). Unlike most beers, claims are that it improves with age in its bottle.

Also produced within the monastery as a perfect accompaniment is Chimay cheese, one variety of which is soaked in beer as part of its production.

So here is santé to all those international drinkers at our mid-year cocktail party.